

  • To examine the current strategic plan and make adjustments that are necessary in light of the current state of affairs in the denomination and the Network.


  • The Committee shall review the current strategic plan to ensure that it aligns with the Book of Discipline of the Free Methodist Church-USA and develop goals and establish outcome that will help the Free Methodist Church-USA to develop structural changes in the recruitment, retention, and appointment of clergy of African descent in particular and of Color in general.
  • The Committee shall ensure that the mission and core values of the organization are kept up to date and are implemented throughout the organization
  • The Committee shall review and update the mission and core values of the organization on a yearly basis
  • The Committee shall monitor and review the strategic plan of the organization
  • The Committee shall create mechanism for tracking and evaluating the progress of the strategic plan.
  • The Committee shall meet at least four times before each annual meeting and send a written report to the Executive Committee following each meeting outlining the progress of the Committee. The Committee shall also prepare a comprehensive written report of its work to be submitted to the Executive Committee one month prior to the annual meeting and a summary shall be presented to the membership at the annual meeting.


Thank you for your email, we will respond within 48 hours.

AHN Exec Board